Sunday, February 24, 2013

Origin of the concept for 'Archangels, Inc'

According to BlogSpot I have over 850 page views to date and I am super excited and appreciative of all who have taken time to review my prologue and spread the word about my project.  I just wanted to take a moment to share the origin of the concept for this book.  It started with a conversation I had about 15 years ago or so with my father who is now passed on (d.10-2-11).  Unfortunately, my father had a heroine addiction which began in his youth and he had battled with it for decades.  He shared with me in a phone conversation once, as I was living in California and he was in Maryland at the time, that when I was about 11 years old he had an overdose and was clinically dead for several minutes.  He was on the streets somewhere in Washington, D.C. when this occurred and there was a man, a stranger, who happened upon him and called the ambulance.  This stranger accompanied my father to the hospital when the ambulance arrived and remained with my father for three days until his release.  When my father regained consciousness he told me he had amnesia temporarily.  The man that accompanied him had returned his wallet back to him and showed him the couple of photos that were inside of his family.  So, I asked my father if he ever found out this man's name or stayed in touch with him and he told me no.  The man left before my father was released from the hospital, never to be seen or heard from again.  I said, "Woah! What if this person was an angel?" to which my father responded that he believed he was.  And so this conversation led to the thought about all of the people who have had someone intervene in their lives in a time of need, a "good Samaritan" so to speak, whom they knew nothing about and may never have seen again.  I thought it an interesting topic and thought of the concept of this book based on that conversation with my father.  My imagination led me to conceive of a world where there may be a secret organization of these "angels" who act according to a higher plan of action.  And so there it is in a nutshell, next weekend I will post brief bios on the characters Sijil and Ezra'el.  Stay tuned and help me to continue spreading the word.  Thank you for reading.



  1. Sorry for the loss of your father and that he will not be physically here to see, what he set in motion become a big success. This book, this particular faith in the unseen and unknown, could very well be the biggest gifts that he could have given you, besides your life.

    May you have peace and many blessings!

    1. Thanks again for your comment. The beauty of reading the comments of others is that I get to see another perspective that perhaps I would not have seen had I not received any feedback at all. And this helps me to growas a person as well as a writer. More to come, stay tuned!

