Saturday, December 14, 2013

Update!! Long overdue, I know,...

As the rapper Rakim said, "It's been a long time, I shouldn't've left you..." but, nevertheless I have returned to the blog-world and with my return a long-awaited update.  I am currently writing chapter 14 of an intended 19. Yes!! 13 chapters have been completed, and it's all good, if I do say so myself.  The long break from spring was not intentional, life happens, and some things in life as it happens,...well, we just have no control over.  But the things we DO have control over, we must seize it and work it! 

Anyway, back to the book,...I have been striving from day one to make this a book that as soon as you pick it up you will not want to put it down, which would then turn into fanaticism, which would then turn into viral conversations and advertisement, which would then turn into mass nationwide recognition of my work, which would then turn into scripts being written, which would then turn into a movie and then a TV series, and so on and so forth.  So understand, writing a "best-seller" is hard work! But, I am back on the job (and blog)! And I will keep you updated.  Thanks for the patience, thanks for the word of mouth, and thanks for just...well, I am just being thankful.  
